Mark X Executioner

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< Droiden

The gladiatorial combat is the oldest and bloodiest sport, and there was only one thing that seemed to ruin it for the spectators, that was that their favorite champions had the nasty habit of dying on them. With the introduction of Robotic combatants that all changed, but there were the few gore hounds and self-professed purists that hated them. These galdiator droids can weild nastier weapons and take a whole lot more damage than their organic counterparts, because even if a droid was sawed in half by a vibro-blade it could be most of the time repaired and ready for the next day.

The gladiatorial technology was mainly an offshoot of military science, and while military droids were straightfoward and practical these arena droids had to be entertaining victors. As a consequent almost every small-scale weapon that requires physical contact of the slashing, burning, or pummeling kind was packed in to the droids durable chasis. And to add to the spectical the droids programming required them to switch between their varied weapons as the combat situation dictated.

The Arakyd Industries` Mark X Executioner is not the largest, cheapest, or most common gladiator droid, but however it is the best. The droid`s cost ranges around 35,000 credits each, which will buy a reinforced durasteel destroyer with enough arms to shame an Aquaris demonsquid. Each of the droid retractable appendages are fitted with a lethal and often messy gadget. The droids standard weaponry usally includes: a nuronic whip, vibro-ax, vibro-saw, blaster rifle, missle launcher, flame projector, force pike, sonic cannon, flechette canister, and a primitive but effective spiked club.

All of the weapons and armor dictates that the droid has to have a duel-tread drive system for moving around. The only spot on the droid that lacks armor is the patch between the droid twin treads, and if a foe is inventive enough it will dive in between the rollers, and tear at the droids external cooling ciruitry. But however most foes never get the chance to get there. Almost always in formal competitions its lethal skills are so respected that it is often barred from battling anything less than another Mark X Executitoner.

Technische Daten

  • Produktion: Medizin
  • Bezeichnung: Mark X Executioner
  • Hersteller: Arakyd Industries
  • Preis: 35.000 Credits